Saturday, August 1, 2009

WIP Zig Zag Quilt Progress

I've been working on my zig zag quilt a lot this week. I thought I'd like to show you a sneak peak of my progress. I'm really pleased with how it's looking.

I'm jumping ahead and joining rows as I make them. I prefer this to joining all 18 rows at the end. I have all 126 half square triangle squares sewn together on both sides of the marking line. I just need to cut them in half to make 252 HST blocks, iron them, and sew them into rows. Whew, better go, I've got lots to do!


  1. Pretty quilt. I've not seen "ZZ" made with half square triangles .... I was going to use this tutorial (just blocks).

    Thanks. Looking forward to seeing your quilted up.

  2. nice cloth designs, it's looking very simple and great..

    Thanks for sharing..
